LooksRare: Uncertain 'unprecedented' NFT industry results

DeFi之光 view 15016 2022-1-22 17:26
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"LooksRare is coming soon!

Maybe this week, yes. It's what you expected. "

These sentences, presented on the home page, arouse the curiosity of Internet users.

This Twitter account was only registered in May this year, and it remained silent for a few months until it was immediately announced that it would be posted on the evening of January 3.

Without warning or warning, Lux Rare has caught the attention of many people with its attractive taste of uniqueness.

What does LookRare do?

Message from LookRare"The NFT community deserves better access and treatment.".

Report directly to the original target by and to the NFT client.


LookRare Generation seeks to create LookRare by drawing without bifurcating the NFT industry protocol.A new activity developed specifically for the NFT industry.

Give everything back to the community.


The first community means that LookRare talks about the platform.users and developersReward, encourage and give back.

1. Users can earn LOOKS tokens by buying or selling NFTs in relevant items.

2. 100% of the value of the platform will be returned to LOOKS punters.

3. Real-Time Royalty - Developers get instant rewards after every sale, no waiting.

What can players do in LookRare?

1. Buy or sell NFTs with ETH, WETH or mixed funds.

2. Order NFT with WETH.

3. Create a one-click chart for NFTs in your streak using the "Series Estimation" feature.

4. Receive daily trading benefits.

5. Get the platform every day by holding a prize.

new technology


Luxe rareSelf-developed modular smart bond system, the system may release new features over time without any security impact.

Example (continued):

1. Series Quote - One-click statement for all NFTs in the selected series.

2. Feature Quotes - Quote NFTs from items written with special features, such as BAYC's Golden-Headed Monkey.

3. Multiple Deletions - Delays multiple open orders in a single transaction.

The LookRare team claims to have the world's highest level of research, the most accurate and useful information available whenever a user asks to register or provide.

LookRare's architecture has also been updated and everything is designed for scalability, speed and security.

Technology processes, including smart contracts, databases, APIs, front-end, and search, all use the latest, most secure, and advanced technology.

Additionally, LookRare was when the ETH Layer2 scaling scheme was finally implemented,Deployment Compatibility.



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Tags: NFT LooksRare
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