Looking back to 2021, what upgrades will the NFT take?

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NFTs are a broad concept and a form of digital device with applicable rules. Many formats such as PFP, domain name, art, virtual landscapes and toys can be created. It goes without saying that 2021 is the year of the NFT model, so let's look at the work that has been done across all competitions in the last year.

1. PFP—Crypto Punk, BAYC

a) Artwork - Art Block

b) Tendance de la mode - Fanta Xyooj

c) Game - NBA Top Shot, Adidas series "into the metaverse"

2. Infrastructure NFT - Opensea

3. Web3 Chain Action IDs - Poap, Project Galaxy

4. Game Channel/Gaming Accessories - Axie Infinity

5. Terrain virtuel – Sandbox, Decentraland, Cryptovoxel

(These sentences were first written by Fenbushi Capital and written by a thief.)

A Profile Picture Project (PFP) is a collection of a number of digital images with the same aesthetic design and features. In 2021, the most popular NFT PFPs will undoubtedly be Crypto Punks and BAYC. Crypto Punks have benefited from their rich experience, making their most expensive NFTs, and BAYC has also become one of the best NFTs due to its culture and fabricated and functional culture, with a low current of 74.69 ETH.

It should be noted that only the best NFT operations can be better. The crack disappeared and most NFT PFPs became slow trading products. The reason why NFTs have no meeting and authors can only be kept in their wallet. To this end, some Web3 projects have reported the ability to view NFT scripts.cyberconnectThrough a combination of behavioral features, users can view the Dapps they use, their favorite NFTs, and tag themselves. At the same time, users can see the behavior of other people on the channel, like NFTs, and follow and advise that person.CyberConnect creates user profiles and builds relationship trees, providing a presentation space for NFTs and supplier communication..


Data used for avatars is not interrupted. MMOPRG ProjectInternetPFP's virtual avatar feature has been enabled. Create your own virtual stages where users can dress up their favorite avatars and walk through virtual stages, perform game activities and interact with players. NFT projects can also be implemented to expand product launches. Users have to buy virtual avatars because of the Worldwide Webb, and NFTs are integrating into the game to educate people about avatars.


PFP-like NFTs also include activities that move from channel to channel, including areas such as entertainment, fashion, sports recreation, art, and sports. . Unlike traditional chain operations, these operations rely more on vehicle guidance to drive NFT sales. Its audience also varies by region, culture, gender, and industry. For example, NFT Top Shot is popular in North America among sports fans and men.

openIt is an Ethereum-based NFT trading platform developed in 2017. Opensea has always played a key role in NFT development, and its product line is far ahead. As of January 10, 2022, Opensea's monthly revenue reached $2.1 billion.

However, Opensea, the largest NFT trading platform in the industry, also faces a number of challenges.First, oil prices.Consumers sometimes pay more for oil on Opensea exchanges than the NFTs they buy or sell.Second, Opensea is mid-range performance., which is incompatible with the spirit of decentralization of cryptocurrencies.third,downtime events.When users flock to Opensea, the platform is unable to withstand heavy traffic and crashes. First, the trading volume of Opensea's Polygon network reached 2 million, which is 64% more than Opensea (Ethereum). Currently, the future direction of Opensea is still unclear and it has not yet been announced whether it will go public or announce the results.

At the same time, more and more jobs have been difficult for Opensea's career. It is also the trading platform of Ethereum.rarelyWe plan to adopt a concept that encourages and rewards users for buying and selling NFTs on the platform (Looks can be created by trading NFTs). Second, Opensea accounts for some of the success of NFTs on Ethereum, while other public chains compete for market share. Public channels include BSC, Solana, Avalanche, Flow, Dfinity, Wax, Ploygon, Tezos, Stacks, and Efinity at Polkadot.

: There are currently two jobs involved. One ispop, othergalaxy project. The similarity between the two functions is that both sides provide signals or symbols and the user must participate in the functions that initiate the NFTs. These activities are not limited to bilateral discussions, the use of equipment and participation in various activities. The difference is that, compared to the POAP, the Project Galaxy model is based on the integration of platforms and operations. The platform should focus on the quality of stakeholders and the gathering of stakeholders, and the cost to deal with.

It's not easy to understand why platforms like POAP and Project Galaxy are so popular. With increasing competition (especially for Defi operations), the parties hope to announce free NFTs to attract new users and retain existing users. In this battle for users, providing NFTs is the cheapest and most beautiful of the equivalent models. Users are also very happy and respectful of this financial service.

: In the case of sports betting, Axi Infinity has identified the gain during the game through a combination of NFT and FT. NFTs provide greater power in competitive sports, for example, NFTs with different power/loss characteristics. NFTs have many options in chain games.

The new generation of NFT in 2022 is based on the application of the ERC1155 token model. It reduces transmission cost of industry prop NFT and improves efficiency. For example, the bow and arrow in the game are two different NFTs that must be delivered in two modes of transport, while the ERC1155 packs and sends two different NFTs at once. The ERC1155 token model is expected to play a major role in the big competition announced this year.

thaj of virtual: Metaverse Concept 2021Sandbox,Decentralizedand other work under supervision. Before that, there were games like "MineCraft", "Animal Crossing", and "Virtual Life" with similar themes, but with technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrency, virtual real estate had become an NFT. which can be bought, sold and invested. Virtual home design can add value.


At the same time, people can perform many tasks in a virtual space. Sotheby's, a global advertising retailer, launched a virtual website at Decentraland. Decentraland virtual land purchased from blockchain protocol Boson for over $700,000 will be used to build a virtual store, "Pac-Man" development company Atari will build Las Vegas on the chain, Decentraland will build Las Vegas Vegas on the chain, and British artist Philip Colbert Colbert presents NFT art exhibitions and musical performances at Decentraland, TO THE MOON Music Festival hosts virtual live music festivals and more.

Undoubtedly, the wide and rich applications of NFT industry will attract talents from all walks of life to start a business in this hot region.


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