What is the Bitcoin "meta universe"?

币圈二三事 view 17 2021-11-3 14:15
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As the global market and social environment evolves, discussions of the global meta inside and outside the cryptocurrency market have become more heated. It is undoubtedly GameFi that brings the metaverse approach to the cryptocurrency market.

Metaworld is without a doubt the best presentation brand today. The “meta-advantage” must meet 8 key characteristics: personal, user-friendly, immersion, low latency, diversity, ubiquitous, business and prosperity. Blockchain technology is in fact the most important and the most suitable in its use. Blockchain can help the metaverse to build businesses and create the closed industries that the “community” needs. If the improvement in the release of VR and 5g technology is to make the metaverse the "icing on the cake" to complete the synchronization and simulation. Then, the release of blockchain technology is the “need” of the meta world!

Blockchain technology includes the simple elements of the meta-universe.

It will be a concerted effort and will create an ecological environment. In decentralization, the security of virtual assets and personal security are achieved by means of keys and smart contracts. On this basis, business practices can be achieved, the rules are transparent and there is no need to worry about the management of large groups. In addition, the marketing of the metaverse has improved with the improvement of commercial real estate, a combination of realities. and Metaverse, many brands including products, make Metaverse a home from home for many!

Will the Bitcoin company after the next exchange turn from reality to reality? Obviously, this topic will have a direct impact on the many comparisons of the pros and cons of the many new generations of public adoption represented by Bitcoin and Ethereum in terms of capacity, performance was good and maintained at a cost.

Although Vitalik Buterin was inspired to launch the Ethereum project on Bitcoin, after several years of continuous improvement, the benefits of Ethereum's scalability were very clear.

Over the past couple of years, ETHereum-based DeFi and NFT have thrived, and the Ethereum ecosystem has grown stronger day by day. From this point of view, Ethereum is more clearly visible than Bitcoin, which on the one hand illustrates the fact that Ethereum has many uses, including smart contracts, and on the other hand, according to the additional improvements of ETH2.0. We hope that Ethereum will soon switch to a Proof of Concept (PoS) approval algorithm, which looks like a better environment than the Bitcoin-based Proof of Concept (PoW) operation protocol.


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