"Home exchange" and "International exchange rate"? Find out how private equity firms understand the P2E industry.

区块律动BlockBeats view 8282 2021-12-29 14:49
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This article features a description of a conversation between Mable Jiang and Jason Kam posted on a personal social media platform.

jason kam

Before MMORPGs (many online multiplayer role-playing games) and applications such as currency management, P2E forex is now completely independent, but there is a new notion that democratic financial policies and free investment cannot control exchange rates. The only stable way is to create long-term demand for child benefit. In other words, improving business makes home profits the only standard for purchasing strictly necessary products.

In other words, to regularly buy rewards around the game, there must be external funding, and I think that we must consider engaging not only the players but also the franchisees. Why can national currencies be difficult and satisfying without interfering with the national economy? One of the most important reasons is business development. After the upgrade, if the world needs to develop a business chain in the future, you will have to buy products from that country, and you can only pay that price. Equivalent to worldwide annuity seekers with these benefits.

Mabel Chang

So in this context, I think consumers and marketers (advertisers), which is the first strike in the natural world, have become one. (disclosure) and consumption, merchants can also focus on advertising based on user experience and previous experience (user goals are supported by the acceptance medium), and consumers and customers can be the same person.

Another key topic we discussed was how to find “organic demand” in games rather than just exaggerating “speculative demand” for NFTs. The price charged by people who need publicity is in fact "conservative", "energy" is extremely scarce.


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Tags: P2E
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