The Ubisoft gamemaker enters the meta-world! New NFT compatible Quartz free game platform

币圈子 view 3537 2021-12-9 09:59
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Game developer Ubisoft, which released several popular games such as "Assassin's Creed", "Pola War Howl" and "Watch Dogs", announced yesterday (7) the new beta of the new platform Ubisoft Quartz. that it will publish This allows users to access games using NFTs that are used internally, such as weapons, clothing or vehicles.

Quartz will be released on December 9 at 6 p.m. UTC in the United States, Canada, Spain ... and other countries and will be tested for the first time on the video game "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint". In addition, on December 9, 12 and 15, 3 sets of NFT (pistols, helmets, tactical pants) will be provided free of charge to players who have reached level 5 in the event, said an employee.

According to legal information, Ubisoft Quartz will transform these NFTs into digital and choose to run them on the Tezos blockchain.


The solution enters the meta edge

According to the report, Nicolas Pouard, vice president of Ubisoft's Strategic Innovation Lab, said in a statement: “Our long-term efforts have enabled us to understand how doing justice to blockchain makes participants in the game.

“Ubisoft Quartz is the first part of our vision needed to create a true meta-world. Use effort.”

Didier Genevois, Director of Blockchain Technology at Ubisoft, added: Consumption is the key to the future of blockchain technology, widely used by millions of players. We originally chose Tezos because of its leadership in evidence-based issues and NFT. Network Marketing uses the same power as 30 second video streaming ... This low carbon emission means developers and participants can play a key role in the updated design process without affecting them.

Many sports companies actively participate in the NFT

Recently, many game developers have also recently found an interest in entering the meta world. For example, Niantic, the publisher of Pokémon GO, partnered with Fold Financial Services to develop a Pokémon GO-like game, Fold AR, in November, allowing players to get bitcoins while playing!

Epic Games, a huge platform game, also announced in mid-October that foreign media "The Verge" has acquired cryptocurrency or blockchain-based games and is happy to partner with NFT users. to create products to create content. Tim Sweeney, CEO and founder of the company, said on Twitter: As long as gambling is legal and meets age-split requirements, Epic takes responsibility for innovation in technology and finance.

Counter Case: Chav Bans Blockchain Games

However, not all companies have been approved for blockchain. Previous data shows Valve has 120.4 million active users and the parent company of Steam, the world's largest PC gaming ad platform, set to announce the details in mid-October. Characteristics. Listed or traded NFTs and cryptocurrencies were placed on shortlists, and one of the games, Ageof Rust, was immediately taken from the shelves, sparking controversy among the playing public.

Parazopen internet user posted that Steam had done wrong and would eventually regret it, while another internet user, Benjamin Freeman, said Steam's decision was no different from the rest of the taxi industry before the appearance of Uber and Lyft. Faced with a difference, it is suppressed.

Amy Wu, partner of Lightspeed, a venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley, Israel and China, said on Twitter that Steam's approach is not surprising and that centralized Web2.0 platforms (per Steam example) create value in the ecosystem. in order to benefit from it, the blockchain ignores this and returns value to developers and gamers who disagree with the Steam value model.


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Tags: NFT 元宇宙
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