近日,Terra生态中新稳定币项目Mint Cash的空投预期引发了加密货币市场的一场风暴。USTC作为原Terra生态下的稳定币,原本平静的市场价格突然出现剧烈波动。
在最近的一次安全漏洞中,去中心化金融 (DeFi) 协议 Deus Finance 损失了超过 600 万美元。攻击者通过利用 BNB 智能链 (BSC) 和 Arbitrum 网络中的漏洞,以协议的稳定币 DEI (DEI) 为目标。
币安智能链 [BSC]感受到了第 2 层网络升温的压力。但是,正如其最新公告所证明的那样,它努力保持竞争力。
现在是下一个也是最后一个阶段“治理提案”的时候了,在BNB智能链(BSC)上推出Uniswap v3的提案获得了80%的支持,共获得2000万票。
近期,BSC和ETH链的ARP攻击次数分别超过29万次和4万次。超过 186,000 个独立地址因 ARP 攻击者而损失超过 164 万美元。
近一周,0U 转账的链上地址投毒攻击愈演愈烈,截至12月2日,已经有超过37W地址被投毒,总计92个受害地址,被盗取金额超过164W USD。
BSC(BNBChain)币安智能链10/7发生跨链桥黑客事件后成为许多迷因的主题,嘲讽暂停区块链的行为,去中心化组织ShapeShift DAO成员在推特上评论。
2021 年 8 月至 12 月 6 日期间,BSC 的 Play to Earn 链游推动了该链上用户数大幅增长。BSC 最初专注于 DeFi 的区块链,现在成为 GameFi Dapps 的乐园。
MultiVerse Capital并不是一个风险投资,而是一个DeFi3.0概念的项目,其代币MVC是BEP-20代币。
On December 20, 2021, Element: Element BSC Marketplace, a multi-division NFT chain asset assembly and marketing platform, Launchpad announced.
Rocki is BSC's largest NFT music platform. Users can still listen to free music and trade NFT to listen to music, music producers can create a value contract that divides income and stream NFT to listen to music.
According to statistics: On December 29, the BSC chain produced 6902 new coins, of which 5914 were in Pixiu, 714 were removed from the lake, 151 were evacuated, and 121 can be traded normally. .
According to Peyton's findings, the host of the MetaSwap project ran out and the stolen items (about $3.25 million) were sent to in mixed currencies.
Space Crypto是一款基于BSC和Solana的太空题材元宇宙游戏。在 Space Metaverse 中,玩家将扮演一名太空守护者去对抗游戏内的BOSS,以保护宇宙和平。
Typically, modern blockchains use three types of nodes: full nodes, archive nodes, and lightweight nodes. Here is the difference between them and the apps that need to integrate Binance Smart Chain, Polygon or Ethereum Archive Node.
Recently BNB HEROS, the P2E game which won a lot of user favorites on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), was shocked by many advertisements yesterday! Yesterday morning there were 20,000 BNB prizes in the game's first BNB prize pool, but many BNBs were written without warning.