ETCLabs will provide OpenRPC support for Filecoin

2020-9-17 06:48
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According to the blog post, Ethereum Classic Labs has partnered with Filecoin to use OpenRPC for the first time to provide modern developers with Filecoin Lotus API integration. OpenRPC is an open source project from ETC Labs that defines the descriptive interface of the JSON-RPC 2.0 API independent of standard operating languages. Integration with Filecoin Lotus provides developers with the necessary documentation and support for automated types of secure design and documentation with a minimal footprint.

ETCLabs works with Filecoin to support OpenRPC.
According to the official blog, Ethereum Classic Labs has partnered with Filecoin to provide developers with instant updates for the Filecoin Lotus API using OpenRPC for the first time. OpenRPC is an open source project from ETC Labs that defines the programming language independent interface description for the JSON-RPC 2.0 API. Integration with Filecoin Lotus provides developers with the data they need and supports an automated and secure mode allowing users to create and process data with minimal footprint.
2020-9-17 06:48