ETCLabs works with Filecoin to support OpenRPC.

2020-9-17 06:48
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According to the official blog, Ethereum Classic Labs has partnered with Filecoin to provide developers with instant updates for the Filecoin Lotus API using OpenRPC for the first time. OpenRPC is an open source project from ETC Labs that defines the programming language independent interface description for the JSON-RPC 2.0 API. Integration with Filecoin Lotus provides developers with the data they need and supports an automated and secure mode allowing users to create and process data with minimal footprint.

The total number of Bitcoin ATMs around the world has passed 10,000, an increase of 167% from last year.
Since Decrypt on September 17, the total number of Bitcoin ATMs installed worldwide has exceeded 10,000, up 167% last year. Most of these ATMs are located in North America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Daniel Polotsky, CEO of US ATM operator Bitcoin CoinFlip, said ATMs have proven to be one of the easiest ways to convert money into Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.
2020-9-17 06:25