The first "smile :-)" and "disagreeable :-(" were traded online for almost $ 240,000.

2021-9-25 09:47
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Golden Financial has announced that the first signs of 'smiles' and 'unhappy' that appeared on the internet during the American Heritage Auction House's online auction on the 23rd have been completed in the form of NFT (Non Fungible Token). . Scott Falman, professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, published an article in the school's electronic journal on September 19, 1982. Jokingly, the symbol ":-(" is used to indicate the weight of a statement. The following two characters turn into expressions of happiness and dissatisfaction, which are popular around the world, and emoticons appear. Letters of Parman in the emblem were written in 2002 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the appearance of these two emblems, and others were written specifically for the event (Xinhua News Agency)

EOS fell below $ 4 and gained 0.69% that day.
According to data from Huobi World, EOS fell in the short term, falling below the US $ 4 level. Currently at US $ 3.9995, the daily increase is reported at 0.69%. The market doesn't change, so manage your risk.
2021-9-25 09:24