EOS fell below $ 4 and gained 0.69% that day.

2021-9-25 09:24
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According to data from Huobi World, EOS fell in the short term, falling below the US $ 4 level. Currently at US $ 3.9995, the daily increase is reported at 0.69%. The market doesn't change, so manage your risk.

The DeFi Concepts period has fallen an average of 4.62% today.
The DeFi stock index fell an average of 4.62% today, according to the Golden Financial Group. Of the 47 wins, 5 hikes and 42 losses, the main wins were REN (19.64%), LBA (3.40%) and WAVES (1.59%). The main results were SWFTC (-15.39%), YFV (-11.37%) and PEARL (-11.17%).
2021-9-25 08:55