Chia Total energy consumption 32.31 EiB Mining production 1,321,840

2021-8-3 09:15
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According to [the entire network of Chia has counted well 32.31EiB of mining power 1,321,840], according to Golden Financial report, according to data from chiaexplorer, as of August 3, 2021, Chia is now complete, the total power consumption network is 32.31EiB, and the total current XCHs are 240,321, 1,321,840 have been mined. Now 0.0003 XCH can generate one power TiB count per day, and it takes me about 10 years and 4 days for 1 XCH with 1 TiB power count. According to the markets, the current asking price for XCH is $ 225, down 1.8% on the day.

USDT represents 53.85% of Bitcoin transactions.
[USDT represents around 53.85% of the Bitcoin market] According to Golden Financial News, crypto-comparison data shows that Bitcoin exchange rates are currently at the forefront of the exchange. The first was USDT at 53.85%, the second in US dollars at 14.11%, the third at 7.28% in BUSD, the fourth at 3.8% in euros and the fifth at 3.77% in yen.
2021-8-3 07:50