USDT represents 53.85% of Bitcoin transactions.

2021-8-3 07:50
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[USDT represents around 53.85% of the Bitcoin market] According to Golden Financial News, crypto-comparison data shows that Bitcoin exchange rates are currently at the forefront of the exchange. The first was USDT at 53.85%, the second in US dollars at 14.11%, the third at 7.28% in BUSD, the fourth at 3.8% in euros and the fifth at 3.77% in yen.

Miami launches MiamiCoin on August 3
[Miami, Miami Coins released August 3] Golden Financial has announced that Miami will launch its own Miami Coins (MIA) cryptocurrency on August 3 local time. Cryptocurrency is used to finance projects or activities in the city. MiamiCoin has provided the city with a continuation of cryptocurrency income while generating STX and BTC income in its holdings. MiamiCoin can be mined or purchased by people who want to support the city and earn cryptocurrency through affiliate programs.
2021-8-3 06:15