Nasdaq futures were up 0.5% and S&P 500 futures were up 0.4%.

2021-7-23 16:17
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Nasdaq futures were up 0.5%, S&P 500 futures were up 0.4%, Nasdaq futures were up 0.5%, Dow futures were up 0, 3% and S&P 500 futures rose 0.4%. (Ten of gold)

Nigeria's central bank began operating the CBDC on October 1
[Bank of Nigeria launches CBDC pilot on October 1] According to the July 23 news, the Bank of Nigeria has announced that the digital currency pilot project will start on October 1. Commercial printing can start in 2021. The concept certificate will appear before the end of the year. Nigeria previously banned cryptocurrency trading in the banking sector in March. (Parts office)
2021-7-23 16:04