Nigeria's central bank began operating the CBDC on October 1

2021-7-23 16:04
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[Bank of Nigeria launches CBDC pilot on October 1] According to the July 23 news, the Bank of Nigeria has announced that the digital currency pilot project will start on October 1. Commercial printing can start in 2021. The concept certificate will appear before the end of the year. Nigeria previously banned cryptocurrency trading in the banking sector in March. (Parts office)

Bitmain, Henan, Zhengzhou Pub 10 lab RMB
[Bitmain donates RMB 10 million to Zhengzhou, Henan Province] According to official Bitmain documents, Bitmain donated RMB 10 million to Zhengzhou Charitable Federation to support relief and recovery. At the same time, a volunteer channel will be opened so that all Bitmain users can connect to the disaster area through voluntary donations from employees and prepaid by companies. In addition, Bitmain will set up an emergency team to continue to closely monitor the unfolding of the Henan disaster, prepare vital information and support flood relief efforts.
2021-7-23 15:18