Interview with Huang Licheng: How much money goes to Asia?

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Whether you're a fan of hip-hop music or a blockchain gamer, the name Huang Licheng (Big Brother Maji) is huge.

The phrase “I Maji Zhizhuo,” which was popular on the streets when the hip-hop group Machi was born in 2003, came to mind. From casual wear to sleepwear to the live platform, every company has its strengths.

He recently shifted his focus from the entertainment industry to the blockchain industry, and I would love to hear stories about how he got into cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

HR: How did you get into the crypto cycle?

“In 2017, when we were still the 17th in the public domain, cryptocurrencies started spinning and a lot of people were doing ICOs. I told shareholders it was fun to do this! After all , everyone said yes. Scam, ok fuck, I did it myself. I'll give it a try."

"I created Mithril in 2018, and also started the mining industry to get users to send photos or videos of me. It was a head start, but it's very high. Details were not taken into account and therefore the price dropped.. lost.It was a shame, but I gained a lot of knowledge and then started doing CREAM.

HR: But CREAM hasn't been hacked before?

"Yes, it was very depressing back then. I took expensive courses and I knew how deep the water was. At that time, nearly $140 million was stolen to pay consumers, but now try this CREAM to make some more money.

In November 2020, I decided to hand over the management of CREAM to the founder of Yearn, Andre Cronje. It was a good decision. He was happy to give him CREAM because Andre was so good. Then, during the transmission, I started to focus on NFTs at home. "

Hello yes! We just want to hear the NFT.

"I was introduced to NFT about 18 years ago. At the time, I was thinking of cutting my songs into NFT and selling them online, but it was too early to start Defi. A friend of mine, a Taiwanese named Yang is a famous NFT Artist.

At the time, he was working on a project to sell his paintings and donate to the #StopAsianHate organization, and of course, you have to apply for something that big! After some friends formed an organization based on Emily's nickname, ppleasr, "PleasrDAO" was born. "

"It was just fun at first, but with more and more celebrities and financially influential investors joining PleasrDAO, we decided to make this DAO an organization suitable for decentralized art capital. Recently, what hacker Edward has said "Live Free" launched NFT called ".

We think it's worth it. Although our opponents are open, we have to tell him, but I think the process was very happy and hopeless, but in the last 5 minutes, a friend suddenly asked that it is not enough, and it can help, so finally us. get $540 yes and $10,000 has been completed and we also have NFT of Doge meme images in our hands. "


HR: What about the Boring Monkey (BAYC)?

"Actually, I have been inspecting BAYC for a very long time, many days I can make mints, yesterday I bought 40 mints by myself in the middle of the night, I called my friends to buy them. WTF! I never lose! I just got up to chase it. When the mint is over, I will buy it again.

Others bought 1 ETH and 2 ETH and finally got close to hundreds of monkeys. At dawn all the Pleasure Dao got up to say no to him, I thought it would be fun to come and play, I just thoughtlessly dispatched more than 30."

HR: You also brought soul to the theater world!

"I remember the first artist I gave it to Kai Kai (Ke Zhendong) and I also gave it to Bo Lin's monkey. Bo Lin had very beautiful eyes and I chose the smallest of them. them. Collection. Top 50! It's not that expensive as it was then, but it's not even cheaper than $10,000."

"Then you can see Stephen Curry bought it, Snoop Dogg bought it and Eminem bought it too. That's the strength of the community and it's interesting about Crypto. BAYC is not not my project, "But anyone who likes BAYC can. you can use it, let your power spread to others and let more people know."


HR: But other than changing avatars, what can NFTs do?

“Non-Fungible Token (NFT) refers to a non-fungible token that can be used for various purposes, from authentication certificate, drawing and personal information, and “These technologies are already mature and problematic. The legal aspect. , whether the government has that understanding or plans to move in that direction is only a question,” he said.

"Also, there's a lot of feeling that the public is still watching the celebration. One side of the idea is that it's a scam and a bubble, they just care about how many coins and the NFTs they hold will go up. Who cares.” About the broadcast. ? It's normal. When Web 1.0 first came out, I was amazed at what the future held. Everything is process. "

HR: Brothers, can you introduce your NFT resources?

The numbers talk is corny, but the interesting thing about blockchains is that the money is public. Go to my wallet. "(So we checked his wallet for fraud. A collection of 3,200 NFTs worth over $40 million.)


HR: Finally, what would you like to share with newcomers who want to join the NFT?

"Everyone often says 'NFA (not a financial statement).' Just go through the code and see what everyone is saying. If you don't understand, google it. Once you understand, you'll know where the news is going and where it's going. Too bad, it's a previous experience."

"The principles are like skate training and hip-hop. You've been there for a long time, still worried and wondering if it's scary or not. How do you know the trick? Without trying it yourself? You can afford it and the rest is hard to learn!”

Ps :

Can we finally take some pictures asking Big Brother Moji? He says he doesn't like taking pictures because he's old, but he can use his own virtual clone (boring monkey avatar) to change. . I once joked about 'ChairApe of the Bored'.

"So use my IG and rouge in your wallet without having to take a picture."


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Tags: 币圈 亚洲
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