Open download, optimize features! Important Digital RMB App Updates

数字法币研究社 view 11 2022-1-4 10:24
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With the recent development of the digital yuan pilot project, the "digital yuan" app, led by the Central Bank's Electronic Money Research Institute and affiliated with professional associations, announced the update in a big way. . The Android version of the Digital RMB app has been updated directly from the original "Beta Version" to the latest "Digital RMB (Pilot Version)" and has been compiled by several major retailers.


Currently, users can search "Digital RMB (Pilot Version)" (the personal mobile phone application application has been developed and the third party has not yet started) View and download the application or modify the application. Beta versions cannot be modified directly by the commercial application (patches with older versions of Android). The Apple version of the Digital RMB app has been re-released. Following the previous "beta" collection, "Digital RMB (Pilot Version)" has been added to the App Store.


In essence, this digital RMB app update directly opens the door to any app, from the "beta version" of the previous "audience invitation" to the "pilot version" for users of the "pilot domain". Along with the integration of the download manager app, some improvements have been made to the functionality of the app and the design of the user interface.

It usually occurs in the following points. First, the wallets of 9 major institutions such as "China Merchant Bank" and "WeBank" were opened. Previously, "beta" wallets were not supported.


Left: Beta Right: Pilot

Second, we update and adjust the functionality of our app. Control integration and push "sub-bag" integration, including adding facial recognition and process-level authentication, voice activation, help and prompt control procedures other activities, management of each portfolio (soft and hard), consolidation of portfolio quotas, etc.



Finally, the interface and preferences have been improved as a "swipe up to pay, swipe down to get cash" collection. The interface has been simplified into 3 main sections: Homepage, Services and My, the homepage displays all wallet openings and other features. The services include features such as sub-wallet, red envelope and hardware wallet management. "I" set up a new wallet, security number and related features. There is a marked improvement in smoothness combined with gliding smoothness and vibration feedback.


The RMB application update can be considered as a key-level update. It not only opens the enterprise key application, but also supports the full opening of the wallet of all organization work, and has become an update for. functions and interfaces. From the perspective of mobile payment, it is also preparing to conduct the next scenario of the Winter Olympics in digital yuan.


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Previous: Central Bank of Shanghai Headquarters: Piloting the RMB Digital Pilot in a Stable and Fair Environment by 2022 Next: G20: Central bank digital currency cannot be accepted and must be issued.
