Does GameFi work badly injured? In-depth analysis of how to enter the hole to avoid lightning

金色财经 view 2761 2021-12-9 09:33
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Last week the cryptocurrency market collapsed. The world currency is unhappy due to the storms in the surrounding markets (decline in the US economy, contagion in many commodities, etc.). The GameFi track was also badly damaged, torn apart by tornadoes and resulted in an all-out slaughter.

Does GameFi really follow the downsides of some large IP operations? Then, starting with the launch of the new F4 game support, it gives users an idea of ​​the behaviors they need to control when encountering GameFi today.

In the past, the head towers with endless landscapes F4-CryptoMines (spaceship), Cyber ​​Dragon (BNX), Metamon (enemy), Farmers World (Farmers World), now most of them are Close to Waist Up, Echoes As soon as it fell, a communication that occurred immediately spread throughout the execution of GamePie. Players were late in the dark all day trading, their finances were up at night, and they were shaking on the roof.


A crash occurred on the CryptoMines Token ETERNAL gold chain gaming platform, which started at 1 a.m. on November 30 and went from a high of $ 820 to $ 4.21 at CryptoMinds 8 points, which were down daily until noon. to December 8.


Why does cryptomine explode? CyborgDoggie, Web3 game analyst and game designer, has the answers. CyborgDoggie was the first to introduce CryptoMines' Oracle protocol and noted that 40% of pre-token token sales could cause ETERNAL to drop. Two weeks ago, it was discovered that hoarding coins without spending any money in the game only embarrassed people when prices dropped, and the Oracle Protocol couldn't escape death. The gaming protocol has made FOMOs very bulky for similar tasks.



Farmers of the world



Farmers around the world are also a function that has exploded a lot because of this situation, and the chainsaw, which has hundreds of thousands of chainsaws, is now falling by the thousands. Due to the popularity of the first project, the number of studios across the country and the number of players have increased. In the short term, the data is very good, but the problem of supply and demand is different with the air conditioning in December, the researchers now have. scratching his ears and chest from the roof.


Since the middle of last month, there has been a significant reduction in income and expenses, so key activities since then have not had a major impact. At the end of November, Farmer World FWW was producing 13,814,253 pieces per day, and consumption that day was only 54% of production. The relation between supply and demand is always the fastest of the prices, therefore the supply is more than necessary, therefore it decreases. The legitimate website was partially operational and the cost of the product was stable, but there weren't many new market entries.



Cyber ​​Dragon (BNX)



Cyber ​​Dragon also drove the cascading drop of a maximum current of 227U to 63.5U, with a low waist as well. The reason for Cyber ​​Dragon's downfall is that after the entire Game Pie track is affected by the environment, the cycle returns again, which leads to more coins in the game, resulting in a drop revenues. Sport and move on. The same is true for many connected games. Without a good business model to prevent sales, the market will immediately collapse, which is beyond the control of the project on both sides.


Metamon (cycle)


Needless to say, RACA Metamon's strong support for the project is still huge. Even though he didn't lose as much as his predecessors, he lost about 70% of his prime, and the heart is very high. And the government shouldn't constantly be adding new standards to trick the big guys out of fear. This time the Metamon team have to be smart, but if you don't take the airplane and BNX instructions and plan ahead, you'll fall into a dead spiral, which is the hallmark of the RACA group. And plan ahead. In the next step, RACA should always be ahead of the competition, but the subsequent cleanup is difficult compared to the previous one.


From the above, we know that the GameFi project to be stable and available in the long term, the game industry must be balanced. Sports capital and finance are the foundation of the sports industry, but they also require collaboration. Because the gaming system itself has a digital relationship.

In the real world, the demand for a product may be saturated in the short term, but in the long term, the demand for that product is unlimited. Because the global consumer goods market is still obsolete. In other words, toys are worthless when there is no demand due to the cost of game resources due to player interaction and in-game usage. Money and resources are scarce and some resources are infinite, if there is no relation between consumption and production in the world of sport, it can lead to financial losses.

Therefore, for the game itself to function, a balance of processes such as Marketing, Procurement, Deployment, Trade and Oracle processes must be established in the game, and due to their shortcomings and the main reasons why gaming devices are starting to become more useful. The items above are also a few things that players should keep in mind when evaluating a project.

A game chain is the bubble industry, and the crazier P2E gets, the bigger the bubble. Therefore, the return cycle of many games is counted as a few hours or a day, and there is a result of the spread of the flowers of the strike. drumming. The market has grown. It is too high and will call again soon, the seller used to buy low and now sell high so every sale pays off.

So, at this point, players should choose their products carefully and precisely, and not follow the crowd. In tournaments you always win 20% money and lose 65%. When they enter the market, they just jump into it without doing the research properly.

GameFi isn't easy right now, but it's being updated and redesigned. As you stumble upon a new game now, you need to stay tuned, keep an eye out for everything on the board, and be a smart guy in the torrent. . Metaverse Lab always sends you the latest news. We will give you 20%.


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