Paradigm shift in venture capital: unlimited funds and unlimited games

金色财经 view 5229 2021-12-9 09:30
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Good fun is usually unlimited games. The ultimate goal of the game is not to win the game, but to make the chase impossible. Infinite Fund invests in Infinite Games by investing in sub-games, and there are many ways to create and improve Infinite Fund through the use of Web3 technology.

Restricted games can be played in unlimited games, but unlimited games cannot be played in restricted games. --James Case

Venture capital is one of the engines of innovation, technology and human success. We plan people, science, technology and politics to help innovators achieve big goals.

Despite the success of venture capital in supporting businesses and enterprises in recent years, venture capital has been viewed as weak. At first glance, these limitations appear in two ways: the inconsistency between the objectives of GPs and LPs, and the lack of consistency between producers and operators. In the stock market, most GPs are limited by a limited number of years in a money cycle (eg 10 years). Since many cryptocurrency industry GPs have shorter incomes (sometimes as short as a year or two due to low turnover and weak markets), many managers of cryptocurrency funds must sell their work quickly. This phenomenon has been criticized by some financial leaders as "without hands" or "flippers".

In the stock market, an initial public offering (IPO) is often viewed as a company's success at a risk level. Usually, the main objective of investing is to invest in the target and sell it during the IPO strategy. It usually takes at least 5-7 years for the company to go public. Thus, the funding cycle represents the concept of helping businesses in the early stages of an IPO. The problem with this approach is that if a business takes a long-term view, the money will waste more time working with the business and more money in return for improving and growing the business after the end. IPO phase. This is true for all companies like Netflix, Tesla, Apple, Google. Recently, the Sequoia Fund noticed this problem. Thus, the partner Roelof Botha explained in a press release a new way of managing the Sequoia fund, which essentially eliminates the LP's access to its seeds and its capital. Instead, Sequoia Fund invests in the first venture capital fund of the second tranche, allowing it to regain control of the level of risk and maintain capital as needed.

A company's listing cycle in the cryptocurrency market is shorter than the IPO cycle in the cryptocurrency market. Usually, cryptocurrency plans are made public early (under 3 years old, sometimes in the first few months of pregnancy). Entrepreneurs were drawn to the profits generated by public demand. Some crypto-currencies allow once a year to obtain more LP. However, a similar situation applies to the crypto industry. A successful Web3 VC investor uses more than one cycle to create, and if the project is truly successful, the return is more than a one-time hype.

The above situation occurs because there are two types of dislocations. First, there is a difference of opinion between the CFO and the LP. In general, the more familiar the difference between GPs and LPs, the longer the money cycle, the harder it is. Second, there is a conflict between CFOs and CFOs. The attractiveness of selling shares / tokens at a profit on listing is more than waiting for a project to generate value for years.

The Venture Capital Game, depending on the type of activity:


In the Venture Capital Game, the unrestricted concept does not mean that money holds all assets / tokens permanently, but by law the "Flipper Investor" fast trading strategy means that money sells all of the money. work for profit and quit the game as if they were. Find other income

In this game we are thinking of something new - infinity. Endless play can mean playing to continue the game (Carse) rather than playing to win. This game is not the end for developers. For venture capital, unlimited resources encourage the founders to ensure the infinite game.

From a designer's point of view, there are plenty of examples of endless play. Think about the next infinite game. Will be back later. Build cities, build blockchain infrastructure for decentralized processes, make people more global, and get geeky.

So what are unlimited venture capital and venture capital funds?

In other words, we can report on investments based on the money cycle, capital requirements and targeted investments to “evergreen” funds. From a visual standpoint, an infinite amount of money extends the money cycle to an indefinite amount.


But what does unlimited venture capital mean? How can venture capital be unlimited? Let's learn more.

Infinite games and sub-games

The game does not end with subgames. The number of sub-games included in the unlimited game is unlimited. The sub-game itself can be an endless game or an endless game. Here is a table of some endless games and their sub games.


Unlimited money Unlimited games

The Infinite Fund has an endless cycle of investing and investing in Infinite Games through investing in the game. A subgame may be a limitation of the game, but the game is not the end goal. To measure and compare the difference between unlimited and limited funds, it can be determined in five metrics: goal, effectiveness, exit strategies, money and resource cycles.


The country-state budget is always unlimited money. Because the country-state itself is a never-ending sport that aims to improve the country to a place worthy of (most) human life. For some, the blockchain protocol is national, because the blockchain process has its own rules governed by the consent of the authorities and the community. In the old case, the bank kept the tax. Additionally, the base is valued by its base token value and contract level income.

In case of venture capital, free donations from groups or individuals wishing to raise unlimited gambling funds are required. Donations can come from a variety of sources, such as organizational income (such as contract fees for business plans), donations, or token sales. The fund was self-sufficient by reinvesting all previous income in the following activities.


To name a few, DoraHacks Ventures is designed to be a money geek with unlimited money, and as part of DoraHacks, it works with the open source financial platform HackerLink, Hackathon DAO, and the world responds to the Hackathon community to support the geek movement. . Binance Labs supports the advancement of the entire blockchain industry through a combination of venture capital and an annual 8-week incubation program.

Pay for public items with unlimited risk funds

Investment funds currently do not have Public Good Funding, which is a type of profitable business.

The value of public goods has long been underestimated. Because utilities are not cost effective, they are often designed by buildings or public not-for-profit organizations. However, public funds can be subject to attacks such as inefficiency, corruption and political instability, and nonprofits often suffer. When the DCF-based measurement method is inefficient (in the fiduciary space), it is difficult to grasp the value of something good for the community. So in the past, venture capitalists have focused almost exclusively on profitable businesses, and public goods have shut their doors.

DAO changes the organization and development of the public domain by:

1. DAOs can establish partnerships between partners and clients and provide incentives to avoid or reduce costs, conflicts and poor performance of local organizations. . For example, decentralized media can create a decentralized organization of partners.

2. The DAO provides policies to members, including participants, administrators, users and funds. Management is no longer focused on entrepreneurs.

3. DAOs can seize management and community benefits and develop legal procedures to provide adequate inspections of long-term public property.

Unrestricted funding can extend public ownership financing by funding public ownership DAOs.

Set limits on Web3 technology

Additional procedures can be designed to simplify unlimited funds. There are a few ideas for solutions. LPs affiliated with MolochDAO or LAO will be allocated / stolen by DAO. If the Financial Council decides otherwise, the Moloch mechanism allows outrage. However, as long as some members continue to play DAO cannot go. Therefore, the Moloch Fund can be considered as an unlimited type of fund with low initialization (it is easier to join the Moloch DAO than to join the Sequoia Fund).

Another way to allocate income to unlimited LPs is to tokenize the funds. Cash tokens can be valued based on the value of ownership of the funds. Despite the slow development of secure tokenized sites (STOs), the emergence of beautiful tokenized security in a few years can make people stronger.


Good fun is usually unlimited games. The ultimate goal of the game is not to win the game, but to make the chase impossible. The funds are subject to financial constraints. Unlimited money has unlimited money cycles. An infinite game has an infinite number of subgames, and a subgame game can be an endless game or an endless game. Little money is invested in games that want to win because they are profitable. Infinite Fund invests in Infinite Games by investing in sub-games of Infinite Games. The purpose of the Infinite Fund is to help Infinite Games keep playing and achieve their goals. As long as it is unlimited play, unlimited money can help fund public goods and organizations. There are many ways to configure and upgrade Unlimited Web3 technology. The venture capital paradigm evolves into infinity.


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