Description détaillée de OVM of Hope Ethereum

金色财经 view 2655 2021-12-7 09:39
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Optimistic Ethereum is the best stacking chain compatible with EVM and L2 scaling solutions. Bullish Ethereum Mainnet is Live When users move their assets from the Ethereum mainnet, users will have to wait a week of competition to protect their assets. Prior to OVM 2.0, Optimistic Ethereum required an oil price of 0.015 gwei to be used for all industries.

Upbeat Ethereum virtual machine called OVM, a full-featured EVM-enabled runtime environment designed specifically for Layer 2 systems.

With OVM, migrating DApps to L2 does not report hardware issues, only references. However, if the virtual machine is currently immature, why is it difficult to terminate OVM? The problem is the completeness and interaction of EVM-in-EVM, L1 and L2.

The basis of an OE L2 solution is a solution of the blood rollup. Indeed, the operations L2 must be repeated by L1 if necessary.

In the best case scenario, there would be no reason to run the business on the L2 chain, but for security reasons, the exchange must be repeated.

It also means that the change can be proven by following the evidence of L2 Ethereum industry L1 fraud in a virtual machine.

However, this is difficult when the L2 chain is not used for the L1 chain.

One solution that comes to mind to solve this problem is to run L1 through L2 smart cards.

The problem is that in theory, the contract implementation only uses the accounts from L2 to L1, and the contract behaves the same in L2. However, for some, this contract does not work, for example, L2 contract runs on L1 and gets timestamps on L1, but the notional value of the contract should be L2.

Please OVM will try to resolve this issue.

The key to solving the OVM problem is to create a new smart contract "administrator" that acts as a virtual box for the OVM contract. Virtualization virtualization operations can be used both to complement the distinction between L1 and L2, including changing "concepts" such as storage contracts, block numbers, time frames, and so on.

For EVM there may be a difference between L1 and L2 and the function manager makes it similar between L1 and L2. OVM virtualizes all aspects of the EVM and this information can be requested by the manager.

In order to secure L2, OVM must ensure that all L2 contracts use timed containers. To do this, we also include a "purity checker" which can verify that smart contracts access virtualization information only by the administrator, to ensure that contracts do not meet requirements without being referred. It uses OVM to ensure that the L2 chain remains secure.

OVM represents a milestone in Ethereum L2. Because moving Solidity contracts to cheaper and faster infrastructure only requires a few lines of code.


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