Falling Bitcoin Price Will Affect Tesla's Revenue in Q2

2021-6-25 10:18
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According to the Financial Associated Press, if the value of Bitcoin drops to $ 29,500 by the end of June, Tesla's portable bitcoin would cost the company around $ 90 million in its second quarter report. After Tesla bought $ 1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin earlier this year, its bottom line was tied to Bitcoin rewards. When Bitcoin fell below its book value, the company caused its current quarterly report to drop.

“Standard Bitcoin” Author Syfidian Amos: You can't really restrict Bitcoin.
According to Ambcrypto, author Syfidian Amos of “Bitcoin Standard” mentioned cryptocurrency issues that were on everyone's mind in a recent media interview. He said the current small issues will not have a long-term impact on cryptocurrency prices. He said: "You can't really restrict bitcoin. You can limit yourself to using bitcoin, but bitcoin will continue to work. Even if 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% fall, eventually you can. . "
2021-6-25 10:12