This round of Kusama parallel chain card slot auction crowdfunding closed at 242,400 KSM.

2021-6-25 09:35
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According to the sub-scan data, the second edition of the Kusama card chain event was held around 6:46 p.m. on June 22 and 9:30 a.m. today, until 242448KSM on the crowdfunding round of the auctions of Kusama's parallel chain card slots have been locked. Currently our main locks are Moonriver 167,200 KSM, Bitfrost 21,900 KSM and Khala Network 19,200 KSM.

The ship is currently being shipped to the Port of Hotcoin and is expected to arrive there on February 26 at 3:00 p.m.
According to the new Hotcoin announcement, HOTCS deposits and withdrawals will start at 3:00 p.m. on June 25, 2021 and HOTCS / USDT trading will start at 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 2021. HOTCS is a huge intelligent ecological public health information chain that uses blockchain technology to collect personal health information, create personal health information. , and develop health applications that are safe and manageable. HOTCS uses blockchain technology to integrate personal health information with diagnostic and medical information in digital devices, and hopes to become more secure and secure private, accurate and personal access to personal health information through the use of the technology. HOTCS will make the most of smart contracts to create health information on personal NFTs and create an integrated digital health ecosystem that works together and monitors surveillance of individuals, hospitals, professionals, insurance companies and others. other companies, making participants' personal health information more secure. . and medical safety used more rationally and safely to promote the growth of the medical industry and affect industrial costs.
2021-6-25 09:31