Yuchi Designer: You can sell previously purchased NFTs at a 50% discount and revert to standard currency.

2021-6-22 11:11
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Developer Yuchi Shenyu announced on Weibo that he immediately noticed that the NFTs he had previously purchased were now selling at a 50% discount.

KuCoin will launch on June 23 at 8:00 a.m. CQT and deposits will begin now.
KuCoin has announced that KuCoin will announce its covalent position (CQT) and support trading partner CQT / USDT. Covalent is a development platform that provides querying and indexing services for blockchain data. KuCoin aims to uncover the best blockchain operations and provide one-stop-shop services such as locate, leverage, contract, staking, and lending to 8 million users in 207 countries.
2021-6-22 11:04