OneCoin Fraud Attorney convinces UK FCA to avoid fraud alerts

2020-8-7 19:24
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As frustrating to the project's advocates, UK financial watchdogs have triggered false alerts on the OneCoin Ponzi scheme. OneCoin is said to have hired top law firms and reputable management companies to put pressure on the FCA. So, investors are still flocking, in part because OneCoin announced the FCA termination notice as a guarantee of their operations, even though three of the OneCoin elites have already been prosecuted on criminal charges.

Huobi: We must aim to develop illegal products to freeze regular users
Huobi Global recently completed its largest anti-financial risk management strategy this year and continues to expand production. According to industry analysts, the main reason most consumers are frozen is to request a cross-platform exchange and exchange of assets that have been infected by the hacked device. It is only by applying robust procedures to cross the platform and beyond the black money market, and by segregating black money into OTC trading on the platform, that the problems of Card freeze and card capacity frozen by the same users can be resolved on the spot. can be reduced. Huobi announced that it will destroy more products, block the flow of excess funds to Huobi, and prevent end users from accessing junkyards and frozen cards. Huobi Global has always provided customer service to help customers the same way its card has been frozen, users can contact customers on a legitimate website.
2020-8-7 19:05