Umee Raises $ 6.3 Million to Become "Cross-Chain Hub" for DeFi Devices

2021-6-16 00:01
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According to a June 16 block report, startup Umee is working on a “switch chain hub” for DeFi devices, which has raised $ 6.3 million from companies such as Polychain and Coinbase.

Bakkt allows users to send bitcoin and gift cards through their wallet.
According to Coindesk, Bakkt Holdings now allows wallet users to send bitcoin, gift cards and money to anyone, including those who have never used the app. "Bakkt's mission is to provide applications, marketing and payments for all digital devices in exchange," Bakkt CEO Gavin Michael said in a statement. Welcome to get, send and receive bitcoin, give gifts or give money to anyone. "
2021-6-15 23:54