Portefeuille multi-signatures GnosisSafe Plus xDai Cross-Chain Bridge

2021-6-15 18:55
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According to the report, more Gnosis Safe signature wallets will be added to the xDai cross-chain bridge, allowing users to switch assets between the Ethereum mainnet and the xDai chain directly through the wallet.

Asproex (Apollo) Moon Cloud "Buy a BZZ node group" Phase 1 in advance
There are reports that Asproex (Apollo) launched the first phase “Buy Group BZZ” on the Moon Cloud platform on June 7th. Completed business users can wait for the second step of their business listing. Moon Cloud is a mining platform developed by Asproex's digital mining sector (Apollo) to help users quickly and easily reap the benefits of a digital mining ecosystem. Currently, Moon Cloud supports the integration of electronic devices and related services such as BZZ, XCH and FIL. In the future, as the Asproex (Apollo) digital mining ecosystem expands, more power plants will be developed. Asproex (Apollo) is a coastal regulated business entity with legal licenses in 5 countries including CTO (Corporate Token Offering) contracts, ETT index tokens, digital mining and digital banking. domain name services for global small and medium enterprises (SMEs) dedicated to the provision.
2021-6-15 18:35