Michael Sailor: US money will follow Bitcoin's orbit

2021-6-15 18:19
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MicroStrategy CEO and Chairman Michael Saylor said in a statement that the US dollar will become the world's largest currency, and in his book "Everything About Bitcoin" he said, "The US dollar will follow Bitcoin's path ". He talked about buying more bitcoin with a $ 500 million deal a software company just made. (Parts office)

PancakeSwap data update, old affected data dropped for 4 months due to heavy industry.
According to media reports, on June 15, the DEX PancakeSwap platform updated its data and impact assessment. PancakeSwap was reportedly unable to display its data due to overcrowding in the packaging industry in February of this year, and it said it continues to this day. According to the data, the liquidity of Pancake Swap is $ 4.26 billion and the 24-hour trading volume is $ 609 million.
2021-6-15 18:11