DForce Synthetic Loan and Asset Agreement Announced on Arbitrum Mainnet, Ethereum Expansion Network

2021-6-11 19:24
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According to the announcement. Decentralized Financial Protocol The dForce mortgage and real estate protocol was developed from the Ethereum Arbitrum mainnet extension network to create an open, integrated and interactive DeFi protocol. The dForce loan and ownership protocol is now exported to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Arbitrum.

DeriProtocol distributed derivatives protocol: miners must move BUSD from pool v1 to v2.
According to official data, the Deri protocol, a standard decentralized derivative protocol, suggests that miners should move their BUSD from pool v1 to v2 as BUSD pool v1 would not be additional freebies.
2021-6-11 19:12