UK Financial Institution Vice President: The UK financial institution has good reason to announce the launch of a digital financial institution.

2021-5-13 20:43
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"The decision has yet to be made, but I think the Bank of England has good reason to give the bank its digital banking presence," Bank of England President John told Reuters on Wednesday. Kunleaf. Cunliff said the new system forced UK banks to switch from cash to digital banking. He also said it would be very difficult to create secure and reliable anonymous 'assets' rather than wallets or account-based digital applications.

Tether shared data on retention: 76% is cash or cash equivalents, with digital returns representing just 1.64%.
According to Decrypt, Tether released detailed information about its insurance policy for the first time since 2014. As of March 31, 2021, nearly 76% of Tether's savings are in cash. investments, including Bitcoin. Specifically, denominations include most of the cash and cash equivalents, representing 65% of cash and cash equivalents. Trust deposits are 24%, reimbursement bills are 3.60%, government cash is 3%, and actual cash is 3.87%.
2021-5-13 20:29