BNB broken 600USDT

2021-5-13 20:22
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The BNB crossed 600 USDT and has now registered a loss of 10.29% in 24 hours against 600.01 USDT.

Tether Initial Storage Exit: 65% or more of stock, 1.64% of other investments such as digital gains
According to Block, Stabilitycoin's issuer USDT Tether announced its holdings for the first time since its release in 2014. As of March 31, 2021, Tether's cash holdings represented almost 76% of the stock. deposits and short-term trading. The rest are loans, contracts, and other investments, including digital currencies like Bitcoin. Specifically, denominations include most of the cash and cash equivalents, representing 65% of cash and cash equivalents. Trust deposits are 24%, reimbursement bills are 3.60%, government cash is 3%, and actual cash is 3.87%.
2021-5-13 20:28