Ghost Foundation: We are currently working on financial matters.

2021-5-5 13:21
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According to legitimate data, the Phantom Foundation is investigating the financial problems of over-applying to the FTM mainnet. This problem only affects the connection of FTM erc20 and bep2 to the main network. The network is still functioning and other assets may be connected. For those of you who sent MTFs across the bridge a few days ago and have yet to receive, don't worry. Your money is safe. When the issue is resolved, it will reach the user's wallet.

Next: launches its Lion Coin LION subscription today at 4:00 p.m. registers the 100 million “LION LION” startups from 4:00 p.m. on May 5 to 9:00 a.m. on May 6. It is important to note that the LION project has a contract distribution for Heco and BSC. Because there is currently no interaction and price difference, currently only supports deposits and withdrawals from the public channel Heco and does not support deposits and withdrawals from the BSC channel. on time.
2021-5-5 13:27