LTC crashed by 310USDT.

2021-5-4 17:28
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According to Huobi Markets, LTC has passed 310 USDT and is now showing an increase of 10.86% from 310.01 USDT in 24 hours.

DOG Break 0.4 USDT, intraday growth up 132%
According to data from the DogeSwap platform, the DOG rose in the short term to break through the 0.4 USDT mark and the current price is 0.46 USDT, up 132% during the day. The market is not changing, so please manage your risk well. DogeSwap is a new DEX-based Huobi ecosystem chain dedicated to finding and supporting new tools and providing better financial support. New tools open up LP Mining and Currency Mining Tool to help you get more money and boost your business growth.
2021-5-4 17:28