Nasdaq named first foundation, good investment in NYDIG

2021-4-21 01:19
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According to the April 21 Cointelegraph, the Nasdaq listed the First Foundation as an investment in the New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG), and details of the exchange were not disclosed. This enables the First Foundation to give its users secure access to trading products affected by Bitcoin. President Scott F. Kavanaugh said, “We believe digital assets will be integral to the future of financial services. is a California-based financial services company providing personalized financial services to high-value clients and their families, families, businesses and more.

BTC is up 1.06% in 5 minutes and is currently trading at $ 55,760.4.
BTC gained 1.06% in 5 minutes, up from $ 585.3, where Boboo's current price is $ 55,760.4. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.
2021-4-21 00:56