Development company Cardano IOHK has formed a new team to manage community developers

2021-4-20 02:39
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On April 20, announced that development company Cardano IOHK was forming a new group to quickly manage its developers. Current positions include Research Analyst, Quantitative Analyst, Solutions Architect and Quality Consultant. Harrison argued that the arrival of the Alonzo scene was the reason for the current increase in gaming among blockchain developers.

Hint: Tether always lags behind other stable coins of interest.
CoinDesk correspondent JP Koning reported today in an article that Tether still lags behind other fixed coins in terms of transparency in data disclosure. Tether provides quarterly data. This means that during those 89 days, cryptocurrency users can only guess the state of their holders in Tether. On the other hand, stable stocks such as TrueUSD and TrueGBP provide 24-hour real-time certifications from the accounting firm Armanino. Corning also said it was disappointed that the Tether certificate only provided information about how much it held and not what assets it held or had invested in. In certifying its Gemini competitors, Gemini said its foreign investment was held in cash with State Street Bank and involved in "short-term financial markets".
2021-4-20 02:31