Maxwell previewed the network using the first option and increased the usable count to 30.

2021-4-8 11:28
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According to reports, Polkadot's ecological distribution project, Crust Network, has shown that the first Maxwell Network preview concept has been adopted and completed. The number of validator nodes increased from 25 to 30.

V God: Sharding is the future of Ethereum's scalability.
God V said sharding is the future of Ethereum's scalability, which will allow the Ethereum ecosystem to support thousands of transactions per second and allow most people around the world to use it regularly. the lower cost Ethereum platform. . In the article, he describes the unique products sharding provides, how it differs from other non-sharding technologies, and the sacrifices required to complete that product. He said the main purpose of sharding is to repeat as much as possible the most important security features of an existing (non-sharded) blockchain without any customization, all changes should be identified.
2021-4-8 11:18