Cosmos developer Tendermint has announced that it has acquired DeFi performance from new developer B-Harvest.

2021-4-8 11:09
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According to some reports, the developer of Cosmos Tendermint has announced that it has acquired the brand new product DeFi B-Harvest, founder of Gravity DEX, the first exchange channel designed for the Cosmos Hub.

Ouyi OKEx started ANC and other leveraged exchanges, Yubibao and perpetual contract today at 5:00 p.m.
According to the announcement, OKEx will announce the perpetual contracts ANC, SC, CRO, LAMB, Yubibao and ANCUSDT, SCUSDT, CROUSDT and XEMUSDT on the website, APP and API today at 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2021-4-8 11:02