opens SAKE / USDT trading today at 12:00 PM.

2021-4-8 10:56
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According to the announcement, has started airdrop token voting and the 110th SAKEToken (SAKE) vote has ended. The number of votes has exceeded 10 million, which corresponds to the so-called names. has dropped 131,000 SAKE tokens for users and will launch the SAKE / USDT transaction and debit service at 12:00 PM today. SAKE Super Airdrop wellness activities are nearing completion. The game ends at 6:00 p.m. on April 13. You can get token airdrop rewards of $ 4,000 for your first 600 reloads and new user registrations and transactions.

Next: asks for a vote to determine how to airdrop for YearnVaults
According to reports, said the YIP-60 proposal would be voted online to model airdrops for Yearn Vaults. Voting ends April 12.
2021-4-8 10:55