Information: the wBTC loan to the Dai loan is close to the investment of 40 million.

2020-8-1 19:18
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According to the latest data, the guaranteed wBTC to lend Dai is near the high limit of 40 million, which is currently 39,977,094.92. Previously, MakerDAO had increased its wBTC debt from $ 20 million to $ 40 million in executive elections.

HotcoinGlobal (Hotcoin World) should now be discontinued and withdraw ETC
Hotcoin Global announces that due to the ETC mainnet update, Hotcoin Global (Hotcoin Global) has canceled ETC deposits and withdrawals from 6:00 p.m. on August 1, 2020, and will later open the completed facility.
2020-8-1 18:48