The ship is being delivered to the Palka Eco Game Engine Parachain port and is expected to arrive there on February 12 at 12:00 p.m.

2021-3-8 18:23
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According to reports, Subgame will appear as a guest at the clubhouse at 8:00 p.m. on March 12 and begin with "What is the concept of the Polkadot built-in green game engine?" “The theme is on the rise. The popularity of the cryptocurrency market is unpredictable, and as the development of public channels has become a hot topic, many people are starting to dedicate themselves to the development of the Polkadot ecosystem. Polkadot adopted the Substrate framework. and now using this framework, the number of travel manufacturers has grown only twice a year As the number of developers continues to grow, SubGame has chosen the game engine as the basis of its core business, which will allow developers to develop oneself. Polkadot Ecology from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on March 12, the founder and CEO of SubGame will be open to everyone.

Ethereum client Geth1.10.1 Berlin hard fork update announced, mainnet upgrade scheduled for April 14
According to reports, Ethereum user Geth has released version 1.10.1 as the first minor update to version 1.10 in addition to the Berlin hard curve update. This version can be changed to hard Berlin curve. Among them, testnet Ropsten launched the Berlin Hard Fork (block height 9,812,189) on March 10, testnet Goerli launched on March 17 (block height 4,460,644) and testnet Rinkeby launched on March 24 (block height 4,460 644) ua. Block height (8,290,928) will begin and the Ethereum mainnet will start on April 14 (block height 12,244,000).
2021-3-8 18:16