ZB Daily Trading Report: Bulk order volume exceeded 12,329 BTC in the past 24 hours.

2021-3-8 17:03
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According to data from the ZB trading platform, BTC is trading at US $ 49,863 (-0.91%) as of 5:00 p.m. today, according to data from the ZB trading platform. Small and medium-sized orders are the majority, of which 31.25. % of total distribution. DOGE (8.82%), UNI (6.83%), YFI (6.25%).

Ouyi OKEx revised the shipping contract today at 5:10 p.m.
According to the announcement, Ouyi OKEx will update its delivery contract at 5:10 p.m. today. Financial contracts and exchanges cannot be used for 10 minutes, and joint venture exchanges and exchange rates cannot be used for 10 minutes. .
2021-3-8 16:52