BTC fell 1.1% in 5 minutes and currently stands at $ 48,818.41.

2021-3-4 21:06
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BTC lost 1.1% in 5 minutes, with a loss of US $ 541.01 of which the current OKEx price is US $ 48,818.41. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.

The IOTA Foundation launches the IOTA smart contract contract
According to a report by U.Today, the IOTA Foundation is set to announce the IOTA Smart Contract Protocol (ISCP). This will allow Tangle to enter the financial applications arena through free contracts. ISCP allows developers to run "authorized" strings on smart contracts, which can be identified on their own nodes.
2021-3-4 21:04