MakerDAO adds the liquidity of the UniswapDAI-USDT certificate as collateral

2021-3-4 20:59
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According to media reports, MakerDAO added Uniswap DAI-USDT performance certificate as a liability and raised the price of ETH to borrow Dai.

ABT is about to announce the "XC Joint Pledge Mining" activity.
According to the latest news, ABT is set to launch an “XC contract mining” operation using new POL technology to create a more equitable mining ecosystem. According to ZBX.PLUS 24-hour market data, XC gained 1.65%, upper bid 0.09USDT, current bid 0.09USDT, ABT up 18.14%, upper bid 0.9USDT , the current market value is 0.83USDT. This XC contract is already in place.
2021-3-4 20:59