Huobi Yu Jianing University: Bitcoin represents the future of business logic and the form of wealth.

2021-3-4 19:38
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At 7 p.m. on March 4, Yu Jianing, the meeting of the China Business Industry Cooperation Blockchain Group and President of Huobi University, joined Tencent News and BlockBeats. The gist of this problem is "If you don't have money without Musk, can you buy bitcoin and banknotes?" Yu Jianing said he had always believed that blockchain was the most important technology of the future and that digital devices were the most important legacy of the future. Blockchain can solve the problem of efficient product identification using a simple method and providing unique proprietary and protection tools. It is a form of association with interference never seen before. The price of Bitcoin is not the price of the hype, it represents the future shape of the asset and how it participates in it, and it represents the logic and richness of its future business methods.

California Representative: Bitcoin Won't Depreciate Like Digital Gold
California State Assembly Member Ro Khanna tweeted: "Bitcoin is not as devalued as digital gold. Decentralization promotes cross-border and anti-corruption. Let's support the fight against piracy while protecting consumers. ”And carbon-intensive Let's invest in a weaker mining industry. The above is expected to happen in the United States. "
2021-3-4 19:40