Polkadot Weekly: Public Health Parachain launched by mail

2021-2-28 17:28
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According to PolkaWorld, key events at Polkadot this week include: 1. Parachain was launched by the channel's management. 2. The certificate is used to register publicly supported Parachain locations. Public interests are divided into system para-chain and public service para-chain. Among them, the system can include systems that are used for equality, competition and elections, governance and autonomy. Audience capabilities include integrated connectivity, integrated hardware, and DOT smart contract platforms. Among them, Universal Asset Chain provides a stable and secure platform for central bank stablecoins and digital currency.

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BTC gained 1.03% in 5 minutes, up from US $ 462.1, where OKEx's current price is US $ 45,152.1. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.
2021-2-28 17:03