Huobi Amends Unlimited Procedures Allowing Unauthorized Users To Withdraw 1 BTC Within 24 Hours

2021-2-23 18:28
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On February 23, Huobi announced that he had changed his waiver restrictions. Originally, "Create independent withdrawal limit for one currency" was changed to "Create universal withdrawal restriction for all currencies". After the update, the system will change the deduction limit of each value in BTC. The total withdrawals of any amount within 24 hours cannot exceed this limit. Restriction limit for users with proof of identity: 100 BTC (24 hours), deletion restriction for unauthenticated users: 1 BTC (24 hours)

Next: launches BAGS Locked Wealth Management the year of the Bull Super profit Wealth Management series
According to the announcement, the “ Money Management” and “BAGS Locked-in Wealth Management (7 days)” activities of the “ Money Management” series will open on 18:00 to 18:00. At 12:00 AM on February 23 (today), a total of 643 SACS and a 7 day fixed slot, the annual return is 120%. Mobile phone users can register by selecting the "Weibao" button on the trade terms page, and mobile phone and computer users can join the website by clicking "Asset Management" - "Weibao" .
2021-2-23 18:13