BTC fell 1.0% in 5 minutes and is currently at $ 31,789.51.

2021-1-27 11:00
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BTC was down 1.0% in 5 minutes, with a loss of US $ 321.49, which is currently valued at US $ 31,789.51. To receive trade alerts at more business hours, quickly add product options to the APP, activate smart marketing, and make your investment in one step faster.

MakerDAO adds two Uniswap liquidity certificates as collateral
According to the announcement, MakerDAO holds additional votes for Uniswap USDC-ETH and WBTC-ETH LP tokens based on the Dai guarantee and other fixed parameters. Uniswap LP Token is Uniswap's automated trading platform. Users can now open Maker Vault on to create Dai using above tools as responsibility.
2021-1-27 11:00