Forbes: StratumV2 Expect To Make More Bitcoin

2021-1-26 03:42
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Forbes today announced an article that predicts Stratum V2 will have an additional impact on Bitcoin. Stratum V2 is an update from the Bitcoin mining group, which aims to help small miners more easily trade and communicate with their pools in a censorship-resistant way. Mining uses small amounts of ASIC mining. Stratum V2 allows each miner in the mining pool to choose their own blocks for mining instead of the mining blocks requested by the mining pool while still benefiting from stable mining rewards. The wide-scale adoption of Stratum V2 will enable mining workers wishing to join the mining pool to counter the equivalent of a guaranteed income and the need to meet the requirements of mining laws. Stratum V2 also allows the mining power of Bitcoin to divide the area of ​​individuals rather than groups into mining pools. Stratum V2 announced the extension of the Bitcoin mining protocol software developed by Brains, a subsidiary of Czech mining company Slush.

Coinbase to spend $ 230,000 on Crypto Policy Lobby in 2020
According to a January 26 Block report, public evidence suggests that Coinbase spent $ 230,000 in 2020 to host the U.S. government on cryptocurrency issues.
2021-1-26 03:16