BTC is up 1.43% in 5 minutes and is currently trading at $ 32,171.13.

2021-1-22 21:27
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BTC gained 1.43% in 5 minutes with an increase of US $ 453.98, which is now the OKEX price of $ 32,171.13. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.

Huobi Eco-Chain Heco, the first algorithmic stability coin, BAGS, has repeated the growth names, with its current highest growth rate of 79%.
According to Huobi Global Trading, the price of the Basis Gold Share (BAGS) project in Huobi's "Global Watch" from 10:00 p.m. on Jan. 22 is 658.88 USDT, up 79% from the high price. Currently, the growth rate is around 60%, and Huobi ranks second in terms of global growth. It is known that Huobi started the "BAGS Airdrop BAG" program in the first week of the BAGS list. All Huobi World users can register daily at 11 p.m. Bags received by airdrop users can be returned to the Heco address of the Huobi Eco Chain and can be exchanged by selecting DEX.
2021-1-22 21:24