BTC fell 1.0% in 5 minutes and is currently at $ 31,574.04.

2021-1-22 19:39
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BTC lost 1.0% in 5 minutes, with a loss of US $ 319.02, where OKEX's current value is US $ 31,574.04. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.

Cardano Founder: We hope to attract Fortune 500 companies using Cardano and ADA.
According to Forkast, Fortune 500 companies want to expand further in developing countries in Africa and the Middle East and demand faster and cheaper payments for local businesses. Charles Hoskinson, founder of IOHK and Cardano, said his company will start to aggressively attract Fortune 500 companies selling Cardano and ADA tokens as solutions. “Fortune 500 companies need new tools to enter this market and work with their clients,” Hoskinson said in an interview. "We have been working on this policy for over three years, so we can support it, especially Ethiopia."
2021-1-22 19:37