Phase 1 BTC Shark Fin Financial will start on January 23, up 15% per year.

2021-1-21 08:54
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Scan QR code with WeChat will announce its first guaranteed wealth management product BTC Shark Fin Capital at 12:00 p.m. on January 23. The annual return is 3-15%, the rate varies, the total amount of 300 BTC and closed. 6 day period. The income rules are: If the value of BTC is ≤ $ 33,500 or $ 37 37,500, you get 3% of your annual income when you grow up. BTC earnings are determined during growth, the closer the value is to $ 37,500 the higher the amount.

Community members suggested that the YFI change the management fee from 2% to a dynamic rate.
On January 21, announced details of its governing body, indicating that some members of the community have started a petition calling on Yearn gov to gradually increase the Yearn v2 fee management system. Since Yearn V2 charges a 2% device management fee by default, community members believe this option is unreliable and should be improved with cost control up to 2%, Yearn gov adopts management fee.
2021-1-21 08:36