The coverage team released the xCOVER smart contract on Kovan Ethereum testnet.

2021-1-19 10:01
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Cover co-founder Alan posted a hash exchange on the Kovan Ethereum test network on Twitter, which shows Cover Group has created a new contract (xCOVER). In a speech, a Twitter user said: yes xCOVER. You can promise COVER to get xCOVER. First of all, Alan announced that Cover Protocol V2 will be available soon.

Monero began bulletproof testing for a zero detection system
Monero began testing ammunition under the Zero-Knowledge Proof System on January 19 and announced that the announcement would be made within 30 days. In previous news, Bulletproofs zero-knowledge authentication system code has been approved for use in the Monero protocol. The next step was to upgrade 90.3 XMR for Bulletproofs Inspection of the Zero Proof System.
2021-1-19 09:58